Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I find myself absolutely exhausted. I wake up tired. My muscles have a constant dull pressure/pain, especially in my biceps, triceps, and shoulders. I also feel it in my legs sometimes, but not as bad. But it seems to progress (didn't feel it in the legs before). The feeling is the same as the day after a good 3 hours workout, but its constant, 24 hrs a day.
It doesn't matter what I do, I always seem completely drained out of energy. Even when I wake up, i'm tired already.

On the good note though, the nausea has considerably decreased - which is pure awesomeness. I can now have the pleasure of eating. Ah, the things we take for granted.

I keep pushing myself though, always doing something active. Going to theater shows, teaching Tanya how to drive - shes doing great, and visiting friends.
My oncologist called me today, to check up, said I should try to stay active, so my muscles and bones don't dry out. So I guess I'm doing the right thing.
I googled and found many people saying that lots of potassium helps with the muscle pain. So I will eat lots of potassium rich food and will let you know how it goes.

Also I received the good news from Ontario Works - they approved my application, so I should receive some moneys soon. And I've done all the paperwork for Ontario Disability Support Program so far, we'll see how it goes, should be around 4 months before it gets approved.


  1. Hey Vlad , good job for attempting to stay active :), I am wondering if you are allowed to go indoor swimming at this time? As I'd love to invite you to our indoor pool for some leisure swims :)). If not when can i visit? Or you and tanichka can come visit me n Chunky :)).

    Xoxo Olga

  2. Keep it up man!! And get lots of potatoes they have pretty high potassium content. Should be a pleasure for any Belorussian as well ;)
