Saturday, April 21, 2012

Im back!

Sorry guys that I haven't posted anything in a while. I have been keeping myself very busy, and my computer dying on me didn't help either.

First thing first, the radiologist report came back and confirmed what the doc said. The tumor is shrinking and so is the spleen! But, the doc said it is still too early to say if I need additional chemo after the 6 sessions are done. I will have a PET scan after the 6th.

This round of chemo I've been a lot better than the previous sessions. Perhaps it's because I been "medicating" non stop for the first week or so. It's actually kinda hard to be high all the time for a week. And I was glad to be off it for the last 10 days or so.
I have been experiencing extreme fatigue and weakness last 2 days. But I kept pushing myself to do a lot of chores. Which sometimes lets me forget that I'm tired. With the computer down, my productivity went up 2343% I am kind of glad to take a break from it.

Tanya started a new job, in a place that's way up north. I get to drive through the country side, which for me, is better than any medicine. On the way back, I slow down, and enjoy the fresh air, and the scenery. It's practically narcotic for me. I feel like I'm on top of the world for that moment.

The extreme sensitivity in my lower teeth seem to fade a little. But I started bleeding from my gums easily.
I will bring this up with doc when I see her on the 23rd. From what I have read there isn't much they can do about it. And it's nothing big to worry about at this point.

If 6 sessions all I have to do, I am planning to put myself through the Spartan Race in Toronto in June.
If you haven't heard about it, here is a little video of what it's all about:

And I am planning on winning it!


  1. Sounds like you are trying to remain as upbeat as possible. Keep positive. I'm going to run or maybe walk 21k in sept. the Island Girl 1/2 marathon. No plans to win just finish for me. Done chemo just 25 radiation treatments. Looking forward to a great summer. And wishing a great summer for you also.

  2. The video wouldn't load for me so I googled the race. That is hilarious! Are you really signing up? It looks like so much fun.

  3. Holy crap, thats a cool looking race. Should be fun to train for... I think you got the jumping over a giant fire thing figured out!
