Monday, April 2, 2012

Check Up Before Chemo #4

Today I had the check up done. Everyone around me was nervous about this day. I for some reason was very calm.  Waiting for an extra hour and 20 min or so past my scheduled time didn't make it any easier.

I had a number of things I planned to find out: CT scan results, the issue with the teeth sensitivity and decay (got 2 little holes that I can see), loss of appetite, my coughing + ear pain when I swallow, and a diet plan.

CT scan showed that the tumor on my sleep has considerably shrank. YES!!!! (but expected, since I no longer have the 2 golf ball sized lump). But the radiologist hasn't completed the report on the scan yet, so all the details are not known. For example, I don't know if the spot they saw on the liver has disappeared or not (if it has, then it was lymphoma) I am supposed to give them a call in few days to find out the full report.

About the teeth - She was surprised as she, the doc on Dr.Crump's team, never heard of that being a symptom of chemo. I told her that from my research, it's not a common symptom. That's when she decided to ask Dr.Crump, who said he encountered it only a few times. He said that there is nothing he can do, and recommended that I see a dentist.

When I asked about the loss of appetite, I was surprised. I was told that "hopefully prednisone (the steroids) and marijuana will help with that." ...I know... I know..

...I know.

She checked out my ear and my throat. Looks like its clean. Doc said that if it doesn't pass within a week to call them. I think I won't wait for that, and schedule an appointment with my family doc. I want to be sure 100%. I think the family doc encounters these types of problems more often than an oncologist.

I should be eating everything I want pretty much. There is no special diet to follow. But from my research I should be avoiding acidic foods like oranges, apples, and lemons. I've read that it helps with oral issues. However, it was from forums and nothing like Cancer Society or a gov website. But then again, its not hard to try and it just might work!

I will be scheduled for a PET scan after chemo #6, at which point I will know if I need any more  chemo or not. I really am crossing my fingers here.

I am ready to go to chemo #4 tomorrow at 10am.


  1. Good news today and good luck tomorrow man.

  2. Boobie, really proud of you!!! sounds like good news to me. Hoepfully #6 will be your last one. only a little more left. hang on tight. xoxoxo!
