Saturday, April 21, 2012

Im back!

Sorry guys that I haven't posted anything in a while. I have been keeping myself very busy, and my computer dying on me didn't help either.

First thing first, the radiologist report came back and confirmed what the doc said. The tumor is shrinking and so is the spleen! But, the doc said it is still too early to say if I need additional chemo after the 6 sessions are done. I will have a PET scan after the 6th.

This round of chemo I've been a lot better than the previous sessions. Perhaps it's because I been "medicating" non stop for the first week or so. It's actually kinda hard to be high all the time for a week. And I was glad to be off it for the last 10 days or so.
I have been experiencing extreme fatigue and weakness last 2 days. But I kept pushing myself to do a lot of chores. Which sometimes lets me forget that I'm tired. With the computer down, my productivity went up 2343% I am kind of glad to take a break from it.

Tanya started a new job, in a place that's way up north. I get to drive through the country side, which for me, is better than any medicine. On the way back, I slow down, and enjoy the fresh air, and the scenery. It's practically narcotic for me. I feel like I'm on top of the world for that moment.

The extreme sensitivity in my lower teeth seem to fade a little. But I started bleeding from my gums easily.
I will bring this up with doc when I see her on the 23rd. From what I have read there isn't much they can do about it. And it's nothing big to worry about at this point.

If 6 sessions all I have to do, I am planning to put myself through the Spartan Race in Toronto in June.
If you haven't heard about it, here is a little video of what it's all about:

And I am planning on winning it!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Check Up Before Chemo #4

Today I had the check up done. Everyone around me was nervous about this day. I for some reason was very calm.  Waiting for an extra hour and 20 min or so past my scheduled time didn't make it any easier.

I had a number of things I planned to find out: CT scan results, the issue with the teeth sensitivity and decay (got 2 little holes that I can see), loss of appetite, my coughing + ear pain when I swallow, and a diet plan.

CT scan showed that the tumor on my sleep has considerably shrank. YES!!!! (but expected, since I no longer have the 2 golf ball sized lump). But the radiologist hasn't completed the report on the scan yet, so all the details are not known. For example, I don't know if the spot they saw on the liver has disappeared or not (if it has, then it was lymphoma) I am supposed to give them a call in few days to find out the full report.

About the teeth - She was surprised as she, the doc on Dr.Crump's team, never heard of that being a symptom of chemo. I told her that from my research, it's not a common symptom. That's when she decided to ask Dr.Crump, who said he encountered it only a few times. He said that there is nothing he can do, and recommended that I see a dentist.

When I asked about the loss of appetite, I was surprised. I was told that "hopefully prednisone (the steroids) and marijuana will help with that." ...I know... I know..

...I know.

She checked out my ear and my throat. Looks like its clean. Doc said that if it doesn't pass within a week to call them. I think I won't wait for that, and schedule an appointment with my family doc. I want to be sure 100%. I think the family doc encounters these types of problems more often than an oncologist.

I should be eating everything I want pretty much. There is no special diet to follow. But from my research I should be avoiding acidic foods like oranges, apples, and lemons. I've read that it helps with oral issues. However, it was from forums and nothing like Cancer Society or a gov website. But then again, its not hard to try and it just might work!

I will be scheduled for a PET scan after chemo #6, at which point I will know if I need any more  chemo or not. I really am crossing my fingers here.

I am ready to go to chemo #4 tomorrow at 10am.